Saturday, July 30, 2011


tanx kpd sume membe2 aq yg comment n trut mmuji aq... tp 2 kashaf imani > dont worry.. wlaoun aq dh bertkar jd laky skaly un,, aq ttap still bezfrenz n cinte 3 segy koe ok... kitew kn kwn mner bole d pisahkn... gado2 2 bese r... ok... so aq akn ikowt sume nsiht koe 2... mgkin ad sesetghnyer i2 mmg sush skiwt nk d ubh tp aq akn cube... so koe jgn r isau.. n tell 2 ur mom that we r frenz... if i b a boy O gurl it doesnt matter... i still a human that have feeling ... aq nk brubh sbb aq taw aq mmg byk mnyusahkn owg... lg un kitew dh hmpir mnyambut puase... n kitew prlu ber bek sesame aq still syg koe wlao

Friday, July 29, 2011

haha.. bdowh nyer citerw...

Putus Cinta
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Tijah ingin memutuskan perhubungan dengan boyfriend orang putihnya…

Dia tak sanggup bertemu muka, Lalu dia pun mengutus surat…surat tu macam ni bunyinya….hehehehe

Hi,My motive write this letter is to give know you something. I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US. I have think about this very cook. I know i clap one hand only.Correctly, i have see you and she together at town with my eyes self. You always request apology back back. I don’t trust you again!!!My Friend speak you play three wood.

Now i know you correct correct play three wood. so, i break off to pull my body from this love triangle.I know this result i pick is very correct, because you love she very high from me. so, i break off to go far from here. But i always love where also i live….Safe live……


post bodow2...

erm... 1stly aq nk ckp yg knapew r sukew post bnde2 yg bodow2... lg2 dlm fb... sengal2 jek... cubew r post bnde yg msok akal... ny post bnde yg mnunjukkn diry 2 mmg gdix... erm... kang ckp mrah,, tp dh mmg kbenaran nyer un.. hmmm... tp mggu ny mggu last nk mengumpt n mengutok org... ary isnn ny dh mule pose... dh xd mse nk bergosip lg... t pahala aq kurg... erm k r.. smpai si2 jek ksah aq... slamat berpuase dr azwanie... dadadadadaaa...

Thursday, July 28, 2011


sdiwh nyer aty aq ny .. smpai aty koe wat aq cam ny... aq taw r aq ny manusia yg x smpurne utk koe... tp jgn r smpai lgsg xnk contact nan aq agy... xkire laky kerw pompuan ,, tp msih mempunyai aty prasaan yg suci ... tp koe tlah mrobek aty aq,,, ayer mte aq mngalir tanpe hnti krane menangisi pemergian koe dr idop aq... aq stil ingin mnjd frenz koe plezz S******...
mcj diatz ini adalah mcj yunk pling jiwang yg prnah aq taip sndry... so juz shut up n keep this as ur big secret ok darling.... haha...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


to NNMS... koe crmin r skiwt mukew koe 2... mukew da mcm taik anjing bernanah ad aty nk sukew kt aq... hello!!! aq maty idop blik un aq xnk kt koe ok... klao bg ikan jerung.. jerung un xnk mkn... ngok mukew jek da tkot... pew lg isi dalaman... ox dh r blue... cipet karat nyer bdax... koe sdar skiwt... smua laky tkowt nan koe taw x... koe pkir koe 2 lawa kerw nk sukew kt sume owg... bilew da kne mrah x rety nk mengaku lax 2... babi nyer btine sndal... koe dgr sni ey... klao koe kcao idopmembe2 aq agy... maty koe ey sial.... bohsia karat... babi sundal........

yunk terpilih...


scare xsengaje aty aq da tertarik dgn mukew kowg dowg yunk terlalu comel ny... aq bkn nk perw2 un... aq juz nk ngok mukew koe 2 dr dkat o jauh jek sbb muke kowg smart ok.. klao kowg nk bg no. fon un xperw... aq trime jek... hehe...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

mlancong d jsin!!!

tanx 2 u all coz tman aq td g jsn... appy sgt... kowg dh wat kn ksedihn aq skunk ny d ttup dgn rapi... so aq tanx sgt kt tieka,acid,aiman,shukri,kamal,shahril n fatyn sbb tman aq ok... I LOVE U ALL!!! 

Friday, July 15, 2011


ok first skaly kpd yunk prnah trlibat dlm kes ny aq sowy sgt sbab dh wat prkre bdowh ny...

akhirnye kbenaran slame ny dh aq ketahui... nk ktew sdiwh un x... mrah un x.. gmbire lg x... erm.. smalam time dlam klaz ,, kiteowg sume kne wat keje sndry.. so aq lpax r nan P***... kiteowg brcite ttg kisah fom 3.. mmg menyegankn jek.. nk citerw un sgan.. ok serious ny,, kiteowg citerw blik mcm mner kiteowg ley gado ttg bnde2 yg xmsok akal... sume nyer pzl sifat aq yg kuat jelez... time fom 3 aq mmg sukew kt l***,,, tp mulew2 xd larh trok sgt.. lpaz P*** 1st bocorkn secret aq 2 kt sme owunk aq troz jd lg trok... 1st skaly aq sukew kt bdax A.. mcm mner aq sukew kt dyer un aq x taw... then trjtuh cinte lax nan mamat B ny... dyer ley r than encem n bek... tp slalu gak skiwtkn aty aq... tp yg xley than minah P ny dyer g kantoi kn nan techer N... haha... dh r dyer sindir aq dlam klaz... rupenyer time P citerw kt aq yunk dyer g ngadu nan techer n ... dyer tnjok sume mcj yg aq prnah antar kt mamat B ny... then techer T ckp "nauzubillah bdax ny taw... ok larh B wat smentare ny jgn lyan dluw azwani k..." haha... aq tergelak time P citerw... so konlusinya jgn r syok kt owg yg kiterw rse cinte kitew xd blaz.. t skiwt aty ok... BYE!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

jge r mlot....

knapew r xrety nk jge mlot 2... agk2 r.. mule2 pggl aq chia... aq ley than agy.. then bilew aq nyanyi nk mrah lax... aq kcao koe kerw... sukew aty aq r aq nk nyanyi kerw x... mlot aq beb... then swoh aq diam... paz2 sindir aq klao aq xd aman... hello... mcm kowg 2 xprnah memekak lax... aqk2 r bhai... gua un ad aty prasaan... aq bkan robot... bilew aq dh blah bley lax ckp aq ny kuat ngajuk larh... aq dh r stress pzl smalam,,, koe lax nk skiwtkn aty aq... to m***** ,, aq x minx koe pjok aq un... klao mcm ny larh prangai kowg jgn smpai kowg xd kwan jek... sowy 2 say,,, but u all r selfish... tq.....

u idiot!!!

hey u gurl!! u think u r the bez in smdb.. hello !!! see ur face in mirror ok... koe bkan bgoz sgt ok.. br fom 6 dh berlgak bgoz jek... lg un koe bkan ktua pengawaz un.. nk arah2 kn aq lax... koe pkir aq machai koe.. sukew aty aq r nk jge mner un... diry aq .. jnji aq jge... aq bkan kcao idop koe un kn.. koe taw  x sume owunk x sukew prangai koe yg bajet bgoz 2... mnyampah aq ngok.. dluw aq respect koe gax sbg senior aq... tp sbab koe x hormat aq sbg junior koe so g mty ... dh wat aq skiwt aty jek citerw pzl koe... dont disturb my life ok... g maty...